WELCOME to Savannah Science Seminar

The Savannah Science Seminar Board of Directors led by Lydia Moore, has an exciting new program for 2019-2020. Student members will be exposed to a plethora of different sciences like Biology, Architecture, Technology, Digital Signal Processing for Aircraft design, Healthcare Cardiology, Gamification and Human Factors, Biomimicry, Chemistry Engineering and the Physics of Rocketry to name but a few.


Savannah Science Seminar is a Project Based Learning (PBL) program for highly qualified students who test into the program for their 11th grade year, and being a PBL program, students in a seminar will learn the facts, data and processes related to a particular science, then do actual projects in our HOWsessions (Hands On Workshops)

Below are but a few images related to a number of the seminars and HOWsessions students will learn about, then compete in teams upon!